A Run on the Machine is Preferred Over a Run on concrete

Published on April 8, 2019 by

For the past three to four years, the gyms have seen a clear cut increase of about 35-40
per cent in their revenues.
Rajesh S., manager of Fitness first said, “We started with about 30-40 members but
now we have over 90 who have taken up a yearly membership and the monthly and
quarterly ones, they keep varying. Our gym is crowded at almost all times. On an
average we had seen about 35-40 percent increase in the revenues we generate. We
are actually thinking of expanding our gym.”
Talking about the membership cost he said, “Our monthly packages start from Rs 1500
People are not only interested in working out using the machines but additional
workouts such as Zumba, Aerobics are simultaneously gaining popularity.
Tirath Sharma, a gym member, “Working out in the park is good but you’ve to be very
particular about what you want to achieve and which body part to actually target. It’s
difficult sometimes as there is no proper equipment to exercise on. It’s a lot of fun
working out with other people and I honestly prefer gym over a park. My dad’s planning
to join the gym too.”
The doctor shared her perspective and said, “Going to the gym or a park, its equally
good. In park you get the fresh air and can work out in the open but pollution, bad
weather and over crowding might be a problem. In gym time flexibility, focused routine
and more personal space are the benefits but artificial endurance are drawbacks”

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