Bangalore diseased by TB

Published on November 25, 2019 by

TB cases have increased over this by 17 % year as compared to last year.

Bangalore has seen instant growth in the number of TB cases this year. The Health Officer from where of BBMP says that increasing pollution and lack of timely treatment is the main cause of this problem.

”We are going to every place for doing surveys. Earlier tuberculosis was sensitive to all available drugs & was easy to heal. But now it has become difficult to treat because of low immunity & incomplete treatment by many people. We are getting extremely difficult to treat (EDT) & Multidrug-resistant TB (MDRT) because of which cases are increasing.”

According to the latest health report released by the Ministry of health and welfare department, the cases of Tuberculosis have increased from 13,702 in 2018 to 14,405 in just 10 months of 2019.

Shiv Narayan, a patient of TB said, “I had initial stage Lymphoid TB in my throat due to bacterial infection. I had a red patch on my neck due to it. It took 7 months to cure completely. Still, I was medication for complete one year as I had some symptoms left.”

In Karnataka state, the cases increased from 25,000 in 2017 to 49,000 in 2018. In just one week 1150 cases were reported in the latest survey of Karnataka in 2019.

The central bureau of health & intelligence termed 13,000 areas of Bangalore Urban, Ballari, Davangere, Koppal, Bagalkot and Bangalore districts as “High risk” areas.

The health officer informs that people with low immunity and people from lower economic backgrounds are more prone to tuberculosis as they are unable to meet the expense of the hospitals and thus do not get proper treatment.

Dr. Arundhati, TB control office BBMP said, “Bacteria are there in 40% of the population. All of us are not diseased. Due to any reason if the immunity goes done TB becomes prevalent. It is mostly found in people with low economic backgrounds. And can be curbed with proper treatment at initial stages & eating healthy food so that immunity goes better.”

Tb is steadily increasing in Bangalore. The government has taken initiative in 2019 to do various surveys on Tb in all the districts.

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