News Bulletin For September 26, 2019

Published on September 28, 2019 by

26th September 2019   Thursday   17:00 IST

The Top Story- Irregularities in Senior Citizen Pensions

Senior citizens of Karnataka, living under the poverty line, still get Rs. 600 per month despite the hike announced by the state government in 2018.


The second story- Insufficient amount released for Government School Maintenance

Government schools are paid only 12,500 rupees under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for the maintenance of school and necessary accessories for every 100 students per year. Schools complain that the amount released by the government is insufficient for maintaining and are demanding an increase in funding.


The third story- City witnesses rise in the cases of Domestic violence

The number of cases of domestic violence has gone up in the city the last two years; most of the pending cases are to do with the payment of maintenance and compensation.


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