Darkness in the houses of Sirwar

Published on November 20, 2019 by

Residents of Murkigudda taluk of Sirwar complaint of the irregular electricity connection in the village. Residents say the connection is not registered and authorised with the town panchayat.

Surya Ramesh Nayak, resident of Sirwar taluk, said, “Current gives problem, there is interruption, the maintenance is not done time to time, the electricity connection is unauthorized, and we use it with hook. Electricity interruption happens 6 times a day.”

As the electricity connection is not registered with the local Gulbarga electricity supply company limited of Karnataka, the maintenance of the connection is done properly. Because of frequent power cuts resident find it difficult to manage their daily chores.

Devi, resident of Sirwar taluk , said, “if there is no power supply there would not be any water connectivity as well, then we have to go long distance to fetch water.”

Hanumantha pawar, resident of Ram singh taluk, said, “During power cuts the problem with water availability is severe, when it rains the power supply gets disrupted and for 2-3 days there would be no connection.”

During September 2017, Government of India launched ‘Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Hhar Yojana- Saubhagya, to achieve universal household electrification with a total cost of Rs.16320 cores. However many villages in the country lack proper electricity connection.

Om Prakash Manehendrakar, Chief Officer of town Panchayat Sirwar, said, “We have yearly tender for the electricity connection, and electric workers are doing inspections, and meters are to be set up.”

Anil Bhaskaran, chief architect of Idea architect, said, “Solar power right now is the immediate future of the world and there is a need to tap into it, power has to be made easily available and at a cheaper rate.”

As per the Electricity act of 2003, it mandates the central government in consultation with the state governments to provide stand-alone power systems for rural areas and electrification and local distribution in rural area. However the maintenance of these connections in taluk is area is still a question.

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