DSS stage protests against atrocities

Published on March 7, 2019 by

The Dalit Sangharsha Samiti(DSS) and other Dalit groups from all districts of Karnataka had gathered for a protest from Townhall to Mourya Hotel, putting forth various demands against the atrocities done to them. They had stated about 20 demands and issues that they have been facing.

M M Raju, State President of Jai Bheem Akhila Bharatha Dalitha Horata Samithi said, “All Dalit groups have joined together and stated about 20 demands. Most importantly, we want protection from atrocities. Recently nine Dalits have committed suicide and the government must take action.”

As many as 218 atrocity cases including murder and rape had been registered in Bengaluru Urban district in the year 2017 alone, whereas, 106 cases had been registered in Bengaluru rural district.

A few of the demands are protection of discrimination of Dalit governments staff in case of transfers or promotions, sub castes not receiving benefits and funds not being used properly. Dalits complained that about 1000 crore had been allotted by the government for their upliftment, but they had not received any of it because people who are in power have taken it in their pockets.

Rubsana Nasir, a member of the DSS says, “There is a lot of discrimination when it comes to transfer sand promotions, and also the reserved seats for Dalits are not being used properly.”

Dalit leaders complain that there is no President for the DSS, and the State government has not taken an initiative of electing a President because of which many complaints have been unanswered.

V S Raj, Additional Director, Social Welfare department, “We need to go through the demands in detail first, and then attend to it. Coming to reservations, it is in the hands of the Supreme Court and about the atrocities the decision will be taken at the government level.”



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