Priests protest, waiting for their demands to be fulfilled

Published on March 7, 2019 by

The priests are waiting for their demands to be fulfilled by the government.

With the priests on the protest, the temples remain closed. They say that they won’t open it till their demands are met. In Bangalore, there are five temples that remain closed. These are the temples in the areas like Rajaji Nagar. The priests demand an increase in salary.

“We are only getting Rs.4,000 as our salaries. We need at least Rs.250 per day to fulfil our daily needs. Most of us don’t get paid properly by the committee that is appointed,” Chanakya Ram, President of Archana Agamika Association, said.

The priests said that there shouldn’t be any committee that deals with their salaries instead it should be the government taking care of it. The committee doesn’t give the money to them. “There shouldn’t be a committee that deals with our salaries and demands. The government should only take care of it. The money in the Hundis also just goes to the trusts and doesn’t reach us,”  M Venkatachalaya Vice President of Archana Agamika Association, said.

There are around 2,000 priests who have come from all over Karnataka. The officials say that their salary should be increased and allowances should be given too. “We are demanding an increase in the salaries. The priests are getting only half the salary of what is already being given,”  Janaki ram, Official of Muzrai Department, said.

By putting up an efficient committee and fulfilling the demands, the protest might come to an end



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