Sustainable agriculture technology for farmers by Farms 2050 and AMHIDRO

Published on April 10, 2019 by

The MoU will make sure they provide sustainable agricultural activities like roof-top farming and other facilities. These 2 companies have joined hands to help people living in urban cities so that they get organic products.

Jimmy Harriss, CEO of AMHIDRO says “This technology will help the farmers so that they can grow vegetable. This technology will also help to grow vegetables in extreme conditions and in areas with drought. The Karnataka government will help them to grow their services.”

The technology uses micro irrigation and hydro farming technology which will help the farmers to save a lot of water. This technology will also help in urban areas there is a scarcity of land. Founder of Farms 2050 said “This will be helping the farmers and the agricultural sector. We both have joined hands to help it.”

The reason behind choosing India was also mentioned by Jimmy Harris “The reason behind choosing India is that there is a agricultural history here and Indian farmers know how to grow vegetables and this will be helpful. This will not only help the urban farmer but also rural farmers.”

Karnataka Revenue minister RV Deshpande was the chief guest for the Mou.

He was really happy with the partnership. He said “this technology has a future because land and soil are scared and land is required whether its agriculture, horticulture or animal husbandry in case of a farmer we are trying wave his loan, trying to make him debt free. But that is not helping them. But this technology is helping them and the central and Karnataka government will promote such technologies.”

The technology will help the farmers to cultivate even in the extreme condition and even when there is scarcity of soil and water.



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