There’s lack of kidney for donation in India

Published on November 27, 2019 by

The change in the law on organ donations has made it more difficult to find organs. The

need for organs donors in the country far exceeds the number of donors. Every year about 2.2

Lakh new patients of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) get added in India resulting in

additional demand for 3.4 Crore dialysis every year. With approximately 4950 dialysis

centres, largely in the private sector in India, the supply is less than demand met with existing

infrastructure. Since every Dialysis has an additional expenditure tag of about Rs.2000, it

results in a monthly expenditure for patients to the tune of Rs.3-4 Lakhs annually.



Besides, most families have to undertake frequent trips, and often over long distances to

access dialysis services incurring heavy travel costs and loss of wages for the patient and

family members accompanying the patient. This therefore leads to financial catastrophe for

practically all families with such patients. With substantial gain in quality of life and

extension of progression free survival for patients, families continue to stretch financially to

make large out of pocket spends. It has been felt that both in terms of provision of this

important life saving procedure and also for reducing impoverishment on account of out of

pocket expenditure for patients, a Dialysis program is required.


The records in the Indian Transplant Registry reported that between 1971 and 2015, a total of

21,395 kidneys were transplanted in India, out of which a mere number of 783 kidneys

belonged to deceased or cadaver donors. It is also due to the lack of knowledge of the process

and apprehension among Indian families that leads to the decreasing number of deceased

donors in the country.

Purnanad B Sanket patient says “At the age of 9 I had to undergo dialysis. And Recently

when I had my dialysis in 2010, i had to pay around 2000 rupees per session. I had to wait

only for 2 months, as my mother donated the kidney but after Transplantation of Human Organs act 2011 people need to wait for 4-5 years.”

Regardless of whether one discovers benefactor one can’t transplant it as the contributor should be blood relative. Due to this holding up time has expanded.

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