ACB crackdown on illegal shop owners

Published on February 28, 2019 by

The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) conducted a raid at the Rajajinagar RTO office and the shops
surrounding it today. About 16 to 17 shop owners have been detained for taking bribes. In total,
seventeen shops have been forced shut until further notice. The ACB has also seized official seals, smart card applications and vehicle registration certificates along with 8 lakh in cash.

“They have been raided and closed because they were taking bribes to finish a customer’s work on
time. We don’t know how long it’ll be closed now,” said J.N. Shetty, a notary

Some customers waiting for their licenses and other documents are clueless as to what to do next.

“I have applied for my license here a week ago I’ve been calling them since yesterday and nobody is
answering. I’ve already paid quite a bit to them to get my license done and now I don’t know what to
do.,” says Harish Kumar, a customer.

All the applicants must now apply online, directly on the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways

Shopkeepers were unavailable for further comments and we’re not answering any calls.


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