BBMP further delays Wi-Fi pole instalment.

Published on November 25, 2019 by

Kshipra Petkar

23rd November 2019

Since the past three years, BBMP has been collaborating with private internet providers like, ACT, have been promising to install Wi-Fi hotspots but have been delaying it


In the Tech Summit 2019, ACT (ATRIA CONVERGENCE TECHNOLOGIES) promised to set up a 4000 hotspot connection in collaboration with the BBMP at a cost of Rs 100 crore which will be carried out through the companies CSR activities. But the Chief Engineer, OFC says that there are a lot of issues regarding its implementation.

The Chief Engineer, Mr. Malikarjun says, “The Telecom companies have sent the locations, also the cost for putting up a connection is high. Only 2000 connections a few places have been installed with Wi-Fi connections. They are not showing interest to put up the tower that becomes a major problem. Who the telecom companies? Yes.”

Even though ACT promises to give 4000 Wi-Fi spots in nine months across the city, the project is not yet complete. The demand for Wi-Fi connection is rising by the public, and people are facing a problem because of the inadequate accessibility of Wi-Fi connection.

When asked about the same to ACT, they did not want to answer any of the asked questions. They said, “We won’t be able to comment on these questions right now, as we have just had this discussion with the government, we can get back to you in a few weeks.”

Even though open networks are something that people look forward to, there are issues related to the impact and security provided by the free Wi-Fi implementation. The cyber safe CEO, Mr. Gagan Jain B.S says, “If a lot of people are on the same network, then if somebody is carrying out a transaction, it is easy to hack the account. All your passwords, and details, everything can get hacked.”


If the project kick starts, it will help the highly populated areas to have digital connectivity where the Citizens wait for Wi-Fi access.

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