Invites; one click away

Published on March 19, 2019 by

E-invites taking over printed wedding cards

Digital invites are replacing the physical invitations and the hard-copied wedding invites businessmen feel that there’s a possibility of their businesses getting completely shut within the next 5 years

Pankaj Jain, a wedding card printing business owner said,  “I have my business since 1998 and for the past one and a half years I’ve seen a drastic change. People are more inclined towards digital invitations and earlier for example if I used to get an order for 3000 cards from a family, now it’s been cut down to 2000 cards. They choose to give the physical handouts only to the close ones and rest they opt for e-invites. The business is already suffering as there’s a 45-40 percent shift. I feel that within the next 5 years the trend of handing out physical invitations will just disappear and we might have to shut down our business.”

The digital invites makers have seen their customer base increase by 70 per cent and pradeep Bansal, a digital invite maker said ,”We started this business of digital invitations making three years back and earlier there was not enough market for it but now the trend is really catching up. Earlier we used to get 7-10 orders a month, not we easily get 40-50 orders a month. It’s a gradual change but it’s noticeable.”

He added, “We usually make the layouts or coral draw or photoshop and it takes us   One hour to one day to finish it off. People prefer digital invites as the entire printing press takes about 7-10 days to get completed.”

People prefer e-invites for multiple reasons and Anil Kumar, a digital invite user said, “Earlier we used to get a lot of wedding or birthday invitations but lately we get more invitations via whatsapp or emails rather than the traditional ones. I feel it’s easy to circulate and within a second, a lot of people get it at one go. It’s cost friendly also and saves a lot of time and energy of going from place to place and hand it out.”

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