Patriarchy still exists, women breaking stereotypes

Published on March 7, 2019 by

Many women don’t get the chance to study, work, and do what they want though they work at offices, many of them say they face restrictions from family members. There are women who want to work-study and stand up on their feet but don’t get the chance and even if they get the chance, there is discrimination.

“I am a part of the gram panchayat. But still, that doesn’t stop my husband from putting restrictions on me.  My gram panchayat duties are handled by my husband as I need to fulfil my household chores I have restrictions on my clothing. I have two girl children; I am making them study so they don’t face these situations ever,” Vijayalaxmi, a gram panchayat member, said.

In recent times, there have been women who have broken stereotypes in society. Coming from households where they don’t get to study, there are women who are able to stand up on their feet, starting their own business. “Due to some family problems, I have not been able to complete my studies. I used to work before, but now I started something on my own to stand up on my own feet. Though there are some issues in my business, I have still managed to withstand my business and as women, I feel good about starting my own shop,” Geetha. R, a shop owner, said. “I have been working in the railway sector for many years. Being a single mother it is difficult to handle things, but I have struggled and come up in my life,” Meena. D, a railway employee, said.

Patriarchy still exists in society, but still, there are women who crossed hurdles. The sociologists say that society still needs to improve and go way ahead. “Ours is a patriarchal society. Women have been looked down up in the society especially in rural India. But now the situation is getting better and we hope the best the situation changes,” Dr Sudha Khokate, assistant professor of sociology, Bangalore University, said.

Where the urban society is at a stage where women are recognized, rural India still needs a push, but with time things are going in favour of women development.



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